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About Us

Our Mission is Three-fold:

  1. To help promote the sport of lacrosse by searching the internet and providing links to articles and stories of particular interest to Coastal Virginia lacrosse fans;
  2. To provide an outlet for news and event announcements from schools, colleges, and other lacrosse organizations considered to be a part of the Coastal Virginia community;
  3. To provide a familiar, comfortable, and relevant starting place for the Coastal Virginia lacrosse community as they travel the world wide web.

Your Submissions

To help us fulfill our mission, we encourage submissions of links, news items, photos, and events of interest to Coastal Virginia lacrosse fans. And we’d like to thank all of you who have made submissions in the past! Use our Contribute page to submit your story, picture, or content idea.

Our Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy is simple. We won’t sell or give your email address to anyone without your permission. We will only use your address to communicate with you about your submission or inquiry.

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Interested in Advertising at 757 Lacrosse News? We offer affordable rates, and our creative team can help create ads and ad banners for your approval.

Other Comments and Inquiries

Please Contact Us with any other commnents or questions.